MercyCare Caring For Children

Published Oct 12, 2015

The Amazing Work of MercyCare: Something We Want to Shout About!

Have you ever thought about your customers beyond the typical B2B working relationship? Have you ever thought about what products or services they provide and what impact they have on the community? Have you considered that some of your customers may be doing some remarkable things in the community and you should be shouting from the roof tops to support them?!

One of our customers has been contributing to the community in an outstanding way for many years now and we feel they deserve a shout out. MercyCare is a leading provider of aged care, family, health and community services. Their services are wide and varied, but all have one common theme – caring.

We have the honour of attending the annual MercyCare Orations as guests. One year, the orator was Gill Hicks, the incredibly strong and courageous lady who survived the 2005 London bombings. The fact that she survived was a miracle, as she had lost both legs from below the knee, lost 80% of her blood and had been without a pulse for 28 minutes when she arrived at the hospital packed in ice. She spoke of her second life which she has dedicated to being an advocate for peace.

During her moving speech, Gill talked about some of the ‘firsts’ she experienced after the bombing, such as drinking from a glass of water for the first time. Such a simple task that is taken for granted by most people yet can be extremely challenging for others.

With these revelations still in everyone’s thoughts, MercyCare launched their ‘First Time Ever Fund’ that night. The fund is all about providing ‘first time ever’ experiences for WA children and teenagers who are cared for through MercyCare’s Fostering Services and Family Group Homes. These ‘first time ever’ experiences are what we take for granted on a daily basis but sadly some children don’t get to experience at all. Going to the zoo, the movies, watching a live sports game, camping… The list is endless and most people reading this with children would tick most of the items listed already.

Talk about pulling at the heart strings, and rightly so! The work MercyCare does in the community is thoughtful, generous and caring, and we are going to shout from the rooftop ‘support these children who are less advantaged than most and help them reach their potential’.