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Epicor Advanced Project Management (APM) is the ultimate companion solution for Epicor Kinetic. Epicor APM is built to address the challenges of managing multi-faceted projects and complex contracts.

Discover how Epicor APM can meet your unique business requirements in this engaging animation.

Mark Batina, Managing Director of Precise, is a 30-year veteran of the IT and ERP industry. The ‘Thought Leadership Series’ showcases Mark’s deep knowledge of the manufacturing, trade distribution, and aged care industries.

Epicor Kinetic is a fully integrated manufacturing, supply chain, and finance solution that provides extensive optimisation, automation, and integration functionality within your business.

Discover in this short video why more and more businesses are turning to Epicor Kinetic to transform how they operate.

Recent Articles

Navigating ERP Migration

Navigating ERP Migration

ERP migration is a transformative process that can propel businesses toward greater efficiency and competitiveness. By adopting a strategic approach and leveraging the expertise of an ERP implementation partner, companies can navigate the complexities of migration, ensuring a smooth transition from legacy systems to modern ERP solutions.

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ERP Data Visualisation and BI

ERP Data Visualisation and BI

Integrating BI and data analytics with an ERP system supercharges an organisation’s ability to harness data for strategic advantage. When the power of visual storytelling is factored in, the convergence of these technologies is not just beneficial, but transformational for enterprises.

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ERP and Workforce Productivity

ERP and Workforce Productivity

Workforce constraints stand out as one of the top bottlenecks hindering productivity and growth. However, with the advent of advanced technology like ERP systems, manufacturers now have a powerful tool to overcome these challenges.

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Recent Events

What the Heck is Kinetic?

What the Heck is Kinetic?

Have you heard about Epicor Kinetic? Not sure what it is all about and how it will affect you? Let us explain! Recently Epicor have undergone a massive re-branding exercise and also changed the name of their Epicor ERP product to Epicor Kinetic. This change is not just cosmetic. With it comes a re-imagined User Interface and the technology to deliver it…

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