ERP Future Trends

ERP Future Trends

Rapid evolution is the norm in the world of business technology, and future ERP technology is at the forefront of this transformation. Each advancement is not just an upgrade but a leap towards a tomorrow where these systems are streamlined, intuitive, and indispensable to modern business strategy.

Archaic ERP Nightmares

Archaic ERP Nightmares

Is it time for your business to banish the ghosts of the past and embrace ERP modernisation? ERP systems that no longer meet the needs of modern organisations are not just a source of frustration and significant challenge; they can haunt your business operations in truly frightening ways.

ERP and CRM Synergy

ERP and CRM Synergy

An ERP system with embedded CRM functionality, and ERP with integrated CRM functionality, are two approaches to combining ERP and CRM capabilities within a single software environment. The choice between the two approaches depends on factors like the level of customisation required, and the overall technical and operational preferences of the organisation. Is your business leveraging ERP and CRM for sustainable growth?

Maximising ERP Implementation

Maximising ERP Implementation

Businesses are becoming savvier around how to realise a faster time-to-value for their digital transformation technology investment. They are recognising the advantages of partnering with an ERP consultant to help them navigate the risks and challenges across the phases of an ERP purchase and implementation journey (and beyond) to maximise ERP benefits.