by lowri | Aug 30, 2022 | Aged and Home Care, Change Management, ERP Selection, Industry News, Key drivers for ERP, Opinion, Upgrading to ERP
The deadline for aged care organisations to submit their first Quarterly Financial Report is fast approaching, and, if your organisation has chosen to manually collect the required information from multiple departments and meet the stringent reporting and record keeping obligations, you potentially have as many as 4 weeks of work ahead of you. There is however, a silver lining. You will also be collecting a swathe of information that will help you build a business case for investing in business improvement measures, or an ERP system.
by lowri | Jul 27, 2022 | Aged and Home Care, Change Management, ERP Selection, Industry News, Key drivers for ERP, Opinion, Upgrading to ERP
The aged care provider industry is experiencing a raft of changes across five distinct pillars – home care, residential aged care services and sustainability, residential aged care quality and safety, workforce, and governance. The reforms have the potential to be disruptive to your business, which may be disastrous in an increasingly competitive environment. Reviewing and upgrading your business management (ERP solution) may be the answer.
by lowri | Jul 11, 2022 | Aged and Home Care, Change Management, Cloud ERP, ERP Project Approach, ERP Selection, Key drivers for ERP, Manufacturing, Opinion, Project Management, Upgrading to ERP
Reliability, accessibility, flexibility, and speed are all desirable performance outcomes that cloud computing technology can offer an organisation. So, if the performance benefits of cloud computing match the strategic direction of a business, and an ERP system is designed to integrate all business functions, why would some businesses steer clear of the cloud? This article seeks to debunk common misconceptions and myths of Cloud and highlight the positive attributes of Cloud ERP!
by lowri | Jul 1, 2022 | Cloud ERP, ERP Selection, Key drivers for ERP, Manufacturing, Opinion, Project Management, Upgrading to ERP
3D printing delivers a host of benefits to a manufacturer. The full extent of these can be realised with the right ERP system with seamless integration functionalities in place.
by lowri | May 30, 2022 | Aged and Home Care, Budgeting, Cloud ERP, ERP Selection, Key drivers for ERP, Manufacturing, Opinion, Upgrading to ERP
You know your business will benefit from a new ERP system, but, like most purchases in life, it’s time to talk about the price. So how much does a new ERP solution actually cost?