Are you looking for the best chance of success in your future ERP implementation?
Nobody goes into this process even thinking it might fail, but the sad truth is, nearly 50% of ERP implementations do fail and most cost 3-4 times what was budgeted.
It IS POSSIBLE to have a SUCCESSFUL ERP implementation…Especially when you know ONE VERY SPECIFIC THING that makes all the difference.
This webinar will arm you with valuable information that nobody in the industry will tell you, until it’s too late.
Here’s what you will discover:
- The single most important thing you can do to drive success in your ERP implementation
- The 8 steps in an ERP selection process and why the first two are the most important, but often forgotten steps
- Why addressing business problems that lie on the surface will never give you the results you need
- The well-known (but under-used) analysis tool that will help you uncover hidden costs and lost opportunities in your business and drive your system ROI through the roof!
- What you need to do to avoid a risky mismatch of expectations between you and the software vendor.
Webinar Details
Topic: The 5 Hidden (and COSTLY!) Mistakes to Avoid When Selecting an ERP System
Date: Thursday 10th June 2021
Time: 11:00am AWST / 1.00pm AEST (duration 1 hour)
This ONE HOUR of your time may save you HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of dollars over the course of your project.
We’re looking forward to seeing you on the webinar!