Our COVID-19 Response

Published Mar 16, 2020

Important Information About our Response to COVID-19

With COVID-19 gaining lots of publicity and growing in significance in Australia in recent days, we feel it is important to communicate the measures we are taking as a business at this point in time, and our willingness to also support any measures our customers are taking in their organisations to minimise the risk of infection.

We are continuing to operate business as usual for now, whilst taking the necessary precautions in line with the guidelines and advice issued by both the State and Federal Governments.

Whilst we have not yet made a decision to enforce a work from home directive, we are considering this as a potential scenario if the situation worsens, as are many of our customers. We are confident that should the need for everyone to work from home arise, we will still be able to continue to provide a high standard of services and support.

Planned on-site visits with our customers are mostly proceeding as planned at this stage, however our people will be taking extra precautions and observing stricter hygiene practices to minimise exposure to the virus. Our customers and our wider business network can assist us to keep our people and other customers safe, by notifying us of any cases or potential cases at their sites, as well as any of their internal policies we should observe.

As a global business with customers across multiple time zones, we are well-accustomed to making use of the best technologies to conduct our business remotely. So, if this is the preferred option for our customers and partners to communicate and work on projects, we will continue to service projects in progress – both large and small – using videoconferencing, screenshare, remote desktop, and other similar technology solutions as applicable.

Our staff have been wonderful throughout this entire situation at informing us of their travels. As a precaution we have cancelled all unnecessary international business-related travel and many of our team members have informed us they have also proactively cancelled or postponed their own personal travel plans in the coming two months to reduce their risk of exposure.

We do have one (currently well and not to their knowledge exposed) staff member who will be returning from an overseas holiday in the coming days and will be observing the Federal Government’s mandatory 14-day isolation requirements.

Our team has also been advised that should they be unwell in any way, even if it is unlikely to be Corona Virus (COVID-19), they should stay at home until they are in good health.

We are continuing to monitor the situation daily and keep abreast of the latest health advice, and we will keep our customers and partners updated about any material changes to our operations.
