How to Prepare Your Business for a Successful ERP Project
Why do some ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) projects succeed, while others languish, never really getting off the ground or are abandoned halfway through at unrecoverable costs?
This handy 12-step Guide to a Successful ERP Project has the answers, and can help you get your ERP implementation on track right from the beginning.

A successful ERP project starts well before the selection of the software
Have you ever thought about what it takes to make an ERP project successful?
Most people would say that a project completed on-time and on-budget is the definition of success. Have you considered that a project delivered on-time and on-budget can still fail?
Why do some companies have a great experience that transforms their business, while others end up stopping the project halfway through and at a huge unrecoverable cost? Did they pick the wrong software or implementation partner? Maybe they did…
Or maybe they didn’t know what they wanted from the project to begin with. Did they identify their need for change, prepare a business case with ROI (return on investment) calculations and get executive sponsorship? These are all factors that influence the success of an ERP project.
We’ve created a 12-step guide to help you prepare for these aspects and more that you will encounter in the journey ahead of you. And even if you haven’t yet picked a software solution or implementation partner, you can still get started on these right now! We guarantee it will make all the difference to paving the way for a successful ERP project.

How to Prepare Your Business for an ERP Project
This handy guide has 12 steps to help set you up for success. Some of these you may already be aware of, but others you may not have ever thought about. All of them are important and are pieces of a puzzle that when put together, will give you the best chance of success.
Here are just a few of the important aspects to ensuring a successful ERP project that are covered in this guide:
- Find out what the critical first step is to set you up for a successful ERP project and why this groundwork piece is so important. Most people don’t do this.
- Uncover what the ‘Big Rocks of Benefit’ are in your business and why you must identify those right from the start.
- Learn how to plan for change and why this impacts whether your users embrace the new system, or reject it.
- Find out how to measure the success of your ERP project and learn how this important factor is crucial through every stage of the process.
- Rome wasn’t built in a day and neither are ERP systems. Learn the secret to meeting time and budget expectations and why building the foundations first is the key to success.
A lot of people are scared of change, so you’ve got to be able to establish and maintain trust in the workplace. People need to know you understand the space they are operating in and the challenges they have, and the best way to do this is to get them involved with coming up with the solutions.