door lowri | apr 26, 2023 | Aged and Home Care, Budgeting, Change Management, Geen onderdeel van een categorie, Manufacturing, Opinion, Project Management
A business's ability to embrace a strategic and systematic approach to sourcing goods and services results in many advantages. But how do you know if your business is ready to take purchasing to the next level and embrace a procurement mindset? And, how does procurement technology fit into the picture?
door lowri | mrt 30, 2023 | Change Management, Geen onderdeel van een categorie, Manufacturing, Opinion
Industry 4.0 is the latest industrial revolution, and is all about smart manufacturing and using digital technologies to increase productivity, flexibility, and agility.
door lowri | feb 14, 2023 | Aged and Home Care, Budgeting, Customer experience, Geen onderdeel van een categorie, Manufacturing, Opinion, Project Management
A better understanding of the differences between 'Procurement' and 'Purchasing' will make it clear that the two terms are not interchangeable. They are differences that any organization operating in today's business climate needs to know.
door lowri | jul 11, 2022 | Aged and Home Care, Change Management, Cloud ERP, ERP Project Approach, ERP Selection, Geen onderdeel van een categorie, Key drivers for ERP, Manufacturing, Opinion, Project Management, Upgrading to ERP
Reliability, accessibility, flexibility, and speed are all desirable performance outcomes that cloud computing technology can offer an organisation. So, if the performance benefits of cloud computing match the strategic direction of a business, and an ERP system is designed to integrate all business functions, why would some businesses steer clear of the cloud? This article seeks to debunk common misconceptions and myths of Cloud and highlight the positive attributes of Cloud ERP!