Precise Wins Epicor Award 2022

Published mrt 27, 2023

Precise Recognised as Epicor International Partner of the Year 2022 for Exceptional Cloud ERP Implementation Record

Precise Business Solutions, a trusted partner of Epicor for more than 25 years, was named the recipient of the prestigious International Partner of the Year Award at the 2023 Momentum conference in Kuala Lumpur.

This accolade recognises partners who exhibit strong sales outcomes, success with customers and overall commitment to Epicor solutions.

Precise Business Solutions significantly transformed its business over the last three years to focus on delivering for customers in the cloud, executing strong and sustainable performance while delivering value across many new cloud customers, migrations and add-on sales.

The award marks the fourth time that Precise Business Solutions has been recognised with the Epicor International Partner of the Year Award, an impressive feat that underscores the company’s ongoing dedication to excellence in providing outstanding services and solutions to its customers.

“This award truly reflects the hard work, commitment, and ability of our team,” said Precise Managing Director, Mark Batina.

“Despite the global challenges of the last few years, it’s great to be acknowledged for being able to provide our clients with the exceptional functionality, flexibility, and value that Epicor Kinetic offers in the cloud.

“We are proud of our partnership with Epicor and will continue to work closely with them to deliver innovative solutions that drive growth and success for our customers,” added Mark.

Andy Coussins, Epicor Senior Vic President and Head of International, commented “Congratulations to all our worthy Partner Excellence Award winners, I am delighted to share and celebrate our Channel Partner success in person again. Thank you to all our Partners strong collaboration, with their support we are able to deliver for our customers across the make, move and sell industries with resounding success.”

As an Epicor partner, Precise Business Solutions continues to provide a variety of products and services centered around the Epicor Kinetic ERP platform, empowering businesses to increase efficiency and productivity through automation, integration, and optimisation of their processes. The company is committed to delivering exceptional customer service, and this Award is a testament to its continued efforts to exceed the expectations of its customers and those of its strategic partner, Epicor.

To discover more about the recent Epicor International Partner Excellence award for 2022 click here.

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