Debunking Cloud ERP Myths

Published Jul 11, 2022

Setting the Record Straight on Common Myths Around Cloud ERP

Reliability, accessibility, flexibility, and speed. These aren’t just words that describe an ERP solution deployed through a cloud-based platform. They are performance outcomes most businesses across the globe seek to attain. So, if the performance benefits of cloud computing technology match the strategic direction of a business, and an ERP system is designed to integrate all business functions, why would some businesses steer clear of the cloud?

One reason that comes to mind is fear of the unknown. Another is misconception. Would you be more comfortable knowing email is cloud computing at its most basic? What if you knew the first cloud-based ERP system was actually made available in 1998, and the technology has been evolving and advancing steadily since?

Myths and misconceptions have a way of preventing us from separating fact from fiction. Read on to set the record straight on some of the common myths surrounding cloud ERP.

Myth: Cloud ERP is too expensive

Truth: Cloud can save you money in the short- and long-term 

New technology is often synonymous with high costs. However, cloud ERP can actually prove cheaper in the long run.

The costs (and risks) associated with hosting on-premise software can add up fast. Servers are expensive to buy, maintain, and power and the burden of deploying and upgrading systems can be time- and resource-intensive. Cloud ERP frees your IT personnel from these responsibilities, giving them the space to drive innovation.

Myth: Cloud ERP underperforms compared to on-premise

Truth: Cloud gives you access to powerful tools that can supercharge your growth trajectory 

To remain competitive, cloud providers give their clients access to leading-edge technologies and capabilities. Better yet, in-house IT teams are freed from the often resource-intensive process of installing upgrades.

What’s more, updates can happen on your timeline. As a result, you’ll have access to new features and industry best practices, keeping you at the forefront of your industry, and upgrades will fit effortlessly into your existing workflows.

Myth: Cloud isn’t secure

Truth: Most data stored in the cloud is protected and backed up 

Moving your data to the cloud can feel like entrusting a stranger with some of your most valuable possessions. However, on-premise servers are more vulnerable to break-ins, natural disasters, and human error.

In contrast, cloud providers continuously update their servers to protect against new and emerging cyber threats. Plus, your data is backed up and stored in geographically distinct locations to safeguard against disaster.

Speak to your cloud provider and ask about their cyber safety, privacy and data protection policies to ensure they meet your expectations and minimum standards.

Myth: Cloud makes integration of different systems and applications impossible

Truth: Third party or native API tools can be used to meet your business’ unique integration needs 

Deployment of an ERP system built for the Cloud typically gives you more agility when it comes to connecting to other critical third-party systems and applications. Precise has a wealth of experience in leveraging modern tools that can connect your various business systems with Epicor Kinetic, whether they are cloud-based or on-premise.

Most contemporary software products are equipped with Application Programming Interface (API) integration services, providing a standardised mechanism to share data and communicate with each other on request within a unified ERP system. This means your business’ data is always up-to-date and accessible through one convenient location.

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