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Transform your manufacturing business without breaking the bank on new plant and people – learn how to eliminate bottlenecks and achieve remarkable growth!

Do you have costly BOTTLENECKS impacting your manufacturing operations?

  • Slow production rate with a growing backlog and frustrated customers
  • Unplanned maintenance from machine breakdowns
  • Not enough stock, or perhaps too much stock taking up capital and space
  • Not enough people, but there’s a shortage of skilled labour out there
  • Poor reaction to ongoing disruptions in your supply chain, resulting in delays
  • Manual processes with barely any collaboration and spreadsheets are
    EVERYWHERE in your business
  • No real-time visibility to business operations

300% faster response time on request for quotes on manufactured products

KLINGER Australia colour logo
Klinger Team

KLINGER Australia were using six different Excel spreadsheets to cost and quote a make-to-order product.

“We had many manual and cumbersome processes,” KLINGER says. “This caused a long response time in quoting make-to-order products and did not facilitate real-time analytics.”

Now all spreadsheets have been eliminated and replaced with a Product Configurator resulting in a significant improvement in turnaround time of product costing.

“It’s a huge time-saving benefit for our customer service staff, who can now provide customers with a price without having to spend time creating a new part in the system.”

Shipping times cut by 50% on average

Steel Blue had undergone a rapid period of growth but lacked the technological processes and systems to sustain and grow the business.

With no access to real-time data and statistics of their stock, inefficiencies and delays in distribution were becoming problematic, productivity was suffering, and they were unable to respond quickly to market changes.

The company was suffering from poor customer service satisfaction, owing greatly to the time it took to prepare and send orders.

Steel Blue colour logo
Steel Blue Boots

Now, Steel Blue have optimised their production cycles by automating the process of generating work orders, scheduling production, and managing materials requirements. In turn, this ensures Steel Blue’s manufacturing process runs smoothly and reduces the risk of bottlenecks or delays.

Jeff Knowler, COO of Steel Blue says, “Customer service experience improved significantly.”

Learn how KLINGER Australia, Steel Blue and many other Manufacturers like YOU have removed bottlenecks from their businesses and are propelling to new heights of growth.

Get Your FREE Guide Now

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What happens when you minimise bottlenecks?

  • Greater agility, giving you the ability to respond quickly to crises
  • Improved visibility across your supply chain, from raw materials to finished and shipped products
  • A sharpened competitive edge
  • Minimised downtime
  • A better customer experience
  • A significant improvement in your DIFOTQ

Expect game-changing results when you remove bottlenecks from your production and delivery processes. Download your FREE Guide now!

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