ERP Future Trends

ERP Future Trends

Rapid evolution is the norm in the world of business technology, and future ERP technology is at the forefront of this transformation. Each advancement is not just an upgrade but a leap towards a tomorrow where these systems are streamlined, intuitive, and indispensable to modern business strategy.
Automation to Boost Procurement

Automation to Boost Procurement

A deficit or bottleneck in one area of the procurement process will impact other areas, and ultimately increase the cost of doing business. Combining digitalisation and automation via an ERP system allows procurement to become a strategic function that adds value, enhances customer satisfaction, and drives business growth.
Debunking Cloud ERP Myths

Debunking Cloud ERP Myths

Reliability, accessibility, flexibility, and speed are all desirable performance outcomes that cloud computing technology can offer an organisation. So, if the performance benefits of cloud computing match the strategic direction of a business, and an ERP system is designed to integrate all business functions, why would some businesses steer clear of the cloud? This article seeks to debunk common misconceptions and myths of Cloud and highlight the positive attributes of Cloud ERP!